With the help of a whole cast of amazing characters, most of whom I’ve never met in person, I have a bunch of tour dates set up in the United Kingdom. Please come out if you’re around and share this page with your friends in the UK.
May 29th Wednesday 530-7 PM Cowley Club Radical Social Centre Mental Health Alternatives: How Can We Support Each Other?
Tunbridge Wells May 30 Thursday 6:30-7:30 Public Lecture –Salomons Instit Navigating the Space
Tunbridge Wells May 31 Friday Mad Resistance/Alternatives – Democratizing MH Care
June 1 Saturday London Healing Justice Centre 1pm
Mind in Camden June 3 Monday full day of training
June 5th Wednesday 5-6pm University of Sussex Brighton
Cambridge Event June 6th Thursday Mad Resistance/Mad Alternatives
Manchester Event Link June 8 Saturday (Leave London 9am for Manchester) (Stay with Neil)
Lancaster Event June 9 Sunday 2.30 and 5 CCrAMHP meets regularly in Lancaster. See here for details: www.ccramhp.org.uk Organised in association with ISPS and Asylum Magazine
Contact: ccramhp@gmail.com
June 17 Monday Glasgow 1-4pm (Creative Strategies for Peer Support)
June 18 Tuesday (Edinburgh The Future is Peer) 10-4pm
June 23 Sunday Bristol Base Social Centre basesocialcentre@riseup.net
June 24 Monday London Kingsley Hall event From Isolation to Connection: Power of Peer & Network Approaches
June 26 Wednesday Brighton ISPS Psychosis Conference